
Phone number: +32 3 297 57 79


Food/feed stuffs

As your trusted logistics partner in the food and feedstuffs industry, Navi-Gate ensures optimal outcomes for delivering your foodstuffs consignment to/From any EU destination. Our extensive experience and strong connections with local veterinary services, certification authorities, and government bodies guarantee a seamless and swift transfer of your cargo through the import or export process, taking into account necessary GMP+ or SKAL certifications.

Be it container (focussing on Dry Van transport rather than reefer units), big bags or bulk shipments.


Our Service Include

  • Inspection service for phytosanitary and veterinary cargoes
  • Issuance and assistance with phytosanitary and veterinary documents
  • Issuance of transport documents (bill of lading) and accompanying certificates
  • Customs clearance, with and without fiscal representation,
  • storage under customs supervision, active and passive refinement, and transit documents
  • sourcing transport & warehousing location under GMP+ or SKAL regulations
Food feedstuffs